Published / In-Press
83. Qin Z., Liu Y., Zheng F., Jafarpour, B. (2024) A fluid flow-based deep learning (FFDL) architecture for subsurface flow systems with application to geologic CO2 storage”, Water Resources Research, 61, e2024WR037953.
82. Liu Y., Qin Z., Zheng F., Jafarpour B. (2024) “Spatio-temporal neural networks for monitoring and prediction of CO2 plume migration from measurable field data”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 481, 2024, 144080, ISSN 0959-6526,
81. Ling W., Jafarpour B. (2024) “Improving the parameterization of complex subsurface flow properties with style-based generative adversarial network (StyleGAN)’, Water Resources Research, 60, e2024WR037630.
80. Ling W., Liu Y., Young R., Cladouhos T.T., Jafarpour B. (2024) “Efficient data-driven models for prediction and optimization of geothermal power plant operations”, Geothermics, Volume 119, 2024, 102924, ISSN 0375-6505,
79. Mohd-Razak S., Cornelio J., Cho Y., Liu H.H., Vaidya R., Jafarpour B. (2024) "Dynamic Physics-Guided Deep Learning for Long-Term Production Forecasting in Unconventional Reservoirs." SPE J. 29 (2024): 5151–5169. doi:
78. Qin Z., Jiang A., Fauler D., Cladouhos T.T. Jafarpour B. (2023): “Efficient optimization of energy recovery from geothermal reservoirs with recurrent neural network predictive models”, Geothermics, Volume 116, 102824, e2022WR032653,
77. Liu Y., Ling W., Young R.,Jafarpour B. (2023): “Graph attention network with Granger causality map for fault detection and root cause diagnosis”, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 180, 108453,
76. Liu Y., Ling W., Young R.,Jafarpour B. (2023): “Long{short-term memory encoder{decoder with regularized hidden dynamics for fault detection in industrial processes”, Journal of Process Control, Volume 124, April 2023, Pages 166-178,
75. Mohd Razak S., Cornelio J., Cho Y., Vaidya R., Liu H.H., Jafarpour B. (2023):“Physics-guided deep learning (PGDL) for improved production forecasting in unconventional reservoirs”, SPE Journal, 28(1):1-23, 28 (05): 2425{2447,
74. Cornelio J., Mohd Razak S., Cho Y., Vaidya R., Liu H.H., Jafarpour B. (2023): “Transfer learning with prior data-driven models from multiple unconventional fields”, SPE Journal, 28 (05): 2385{2414,
73. Qin Z., Jiang A., Fauler D., Cladouhos T.T. Jafarpour B. (2023): “Efficient optimization of energy recovery from geothermal reservoirs with recurrent neural network predictive models”, Water Resources Research, Volume 59, Issue 3, e2022WR032653,
72. Jiang A., Qin Z., Fauler D., Cladouhos T.T. Jafarpour B. (2022): “A multiscale recurrent neural network model for predicting energy production from geothermal reservoirs”, Geothermics,
71. Cornelio J., Mohd Razak S., Cho Y.,Vaidya R.,Liu H.H.,Jafarpour B. (2022): “Integrating deep learning and physics-based models for improved production prediction in unconventional reservoirs", SPE Journal, in press.
70. Jiang A.,Qin Z.,Fauler D.,Cladouhos T.T. Jafarpour B. (2022): “Recurrent neural networks for short-term and long-term prediction of energy production from geothermal reservoirs", Geothermics, accepted with minor revisions.
69. Liu Y.,Ling W.,Young R.,Zia J.,Cladouhos T.T.,Jafarpour B. (2022): “Latent-space dynamics for prediction and fault detection in geothermal power plant operations", Energies 2022, 15, 2555, doi: .
68. Mohd Razak S.,Cornelio J., Cho Y.,Vaidya R.,Liu H.H.,Jafarpour B. (2022): “Transfer learning with recurrent neural networks for long-term production forecasting in unconventional reservoirs", SPE Jorunal, in press.
67. Yu J.,Jahandideh A.,Jafarpour B. (2022): “A neural network model with connectivity-based topology for production prediction in complex subsurface flow systems", SPE Journal, in press.
66. Yu J.,Jahandideh A.,Jafarpour B. (2021): “Efficient robust production optimization with reduced random sampling", SPE Journal, in press.
65. Razak S.M.,Jahandideh A.,Djuraev U.B.,Jafarpour B. (2021): “Deep learning for latent space data assimilation (LSDA) in subsurface flow systems", SPE Journal, in press.
64. Jiang, A.,Jafarpour B. (2021): “Deep convolutional autoencoders for robust flow model calibration under uncertainty in geologic continuity", Water Resources Research, in press.
63 Mohd Razak, S.,Jafarpour B. (2021): “Conditioning generative adversarial networks on nonlinear flow response labels for model calibration", Computational Geosciences, in press.
62. Yu J.,Jahandideh A.,Jafarpour B. (2021): “Active learning for well control optimization with surrogate models", SPE-209191-PA, SPE Journal, 1-21, doi:
61. Mohd Razak, S.,Jafarpour B. (2021): “Latent-space inversion (LSI): A deep learning framework for inverse mapping of subsurface flow data", Computational Geosciences, 26, 71–99, doi:
60. Zheng F.,Jahandideh A.,Jha B.,Jafarpour B. (2021): “Geologic CO2 storage optimization under geomechanical risk using coupled-physics models", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 110, 103385, doi:
59. Yu J., Jahandideh A.,Hakim-Elahi S., Jafarpour B. (2021): “Sparse neural networks for inference of reservoir inter-well connectivity and production prediction", SPE Journal, doi:
58. Jiang, A.,Jafarpour B. (2021): “Inverting subsurface flow data for geologic scenarios selection with convolutional neural networks", Advances in Water Resources, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 149, 103840, doi:
57. Jahandideh A.,Hakim-Elahi S.,Jafarpour B. (2021) : “Inference of rock flow and mechanical properties from injection-induced microseismic events during geologic CO2 storage", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 105, 103206, doi:
56. Mohd Razak, S.,Jafarpour B. (2020): “Convolutional neural networks (CNN) for feature-based model calibration under uncertain geologic scenarios", Computational Geosciences, 24, 1625{1649 (2020),
55. Golmohammadi, A., Mohammad-khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B. (2019): “Reducing uncertainty in conceptual prior models of complex geologic systems via integration of flow response data”, Computational Geosciences, in press.
54. Jahandideh, A., Jafarpour B. (2019): “Closed-loop stochastic oilfield optimization under uncertainty in geologic description and future development plans”, Computational Geosciences, in press.
53. Jesmani M., Jafarpour B., Bellout M.C., Foss B. (2019): “A reduced random sampling strategy for fast robust well placement optimization”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 184, 106414.
52. Khaninezhad M.R.M., Golmohammadi, A., Jafarpour B. (2019): “A pattern-matching method for flow model calibration under training image constraint", Computational Geosciences, Vol. 23, pp. 813-828
51. Ma, W., Jafarpour B. (2019): “Assessing multiple-point statistical facies simulation behavior for effective conditioning on probabilistic data", Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 51, pp. 975-998.
50. Ma W., Jafarpour B. (2019): “Integration of soft data into multiple-point statistical simulation: re-assessing the probability conditioning method for facies model calibration", Computational Geosciences, Vol. 23, pp. 683-703.
49. Ma W., Jafarpour B., Qin J. (2019): Dynamic characterization of geologic CO2 storage aquifers from monitoring data with ensemble Kalman filter", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, in press.
48. Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B. (2019): Stochastic oilfield optimization under future development uncertainty", Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, SPE-190139-PA, Vol. 24(04).
47. Khodabakhshi M., Jafarpour B., King M. (2019): “Inference of global reservoir connectivity from static pressure data with fast coarse-scale simulation models", Mathematical Geosciences, Vol. 51, pp. 625-648.
46. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B. (2019): “Field-scale history matching with sparse geologic dictionaries", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 170, Pages 967-991.
45. Golmohammadi A., Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B. (2018): “Pattern-based calibration of complex subsurface flow models against dynamic response data", Advances in Water Resources. Vol. 121, Pages 388-405.
44. Hakim-Elahi S., Jafarpour B. (2018): “Dynamic fracture characterization from tracer-test and flow-rate data with ensemble Kalman filter ", Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, SPE-189449-PA, Vol. 23, Issue 2.
43. Ma W., Jafarpour B. (2018): “Pilot points method for conditioning multiple-point statistical facies simulation on flow data", Advances in Water Resources, Volume 115, May 2018, Pages 219-233.
42. Khaninezhad M.R., Golmohammadi, A., Jafarpour B. (2017): “Discrete regularization for calibration of geologic facies against dynamic flow data", Water Resources Research.
41. Hakim-Elahi S., Jafarpour B. (2017): “A distance transform parameterization for calibration of subsurface flow models with discrete non-Gaussian geologic facies", Water Resources Research, Vol. 53(10), 8226-8249.
40. Jafarpour B. (2016): “Challenges in dynamic characterization of complex subsurface flow systems under geologic uncertainty", Hydraulic Fracturing Journal, Vol. 4(1).
39. Navabi S., Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B. (2016): “A unified formulation for generalized oilfield development optimization", Computational Geosciences.
38. Golmohammadi A., Jafarpour B. (2016): “Simultaneous geologic scenario identification and flow model calibration with group-sparsity formulations”, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 92, PP 208-227.
37. Tarrahi M., Hakim-Elahi, S., Jafarpour B. (2016): “Fast linearized forecasts for subsurface flow data assimilation with ensemble Kalman filter”, Computational Geosciences, Vol. 20 (5), PP 929-952.
36. Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B. (2015): “Optimization of hydraulic fracturing design under spatially variable shale fracability”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. (138), PP 174-188.
35. Golmohammadi A., Mohammad-Khaninezhad M., Jafarpour B. (2015): “Group-sparsity regularization for ill-posed subsurface flow model calibration inverse problems”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 51(10), PP 8607-8626.
34. Tarrahi M., Jafarpour B., Ghassemi A. (2015): “Integration of microseismic monitoring data into coupled flow and geomechanical models with ensemble Kalman filter”, Water Resources Research, Vol 51(7), PP 5177-5197.
33. Lerlertpakdee P., Jafarpour B., Gildin E. (2014): “Efficient production optimization with flow-network model”, Society of Petroleum Engineering Journal (SPEJ), SPE-170241-PA, Vol. 19 (6), PP 1083-1095.
32. Zhang Z., Jafarpour B., Li L. (2014): “Inference of permeability heterogeneity from joint inversion of transient flow and temperature data” Water Resources Research, Vol. 50 (6), PP 4710-4725.
31. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B. (2014): “Sparse Randomized Maximum Likelihood (SpRML) for subsurface flow model calibration and uncertainty quantification” Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 69, PP 23-37.
30. Khodabakhshi M., Jafarpour B. (2014, invited article): “Adaptive conditioning of multiple-point statistical facies simulation to flow data with probability maps” Mathematical Geosciences, Vol 46 (5), PP 573-595.
29. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B. (2014): “Prior model identification during subsurface flow data integration with adaptive sparse representation techniques” Computational Geosciences Vol. 18 (1), PP 3-16.
28. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B. (2014): “Hybrid parameterization for robust history matching”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal (SPEJ), SPE-146934-PA, Vol. 19 (03), PP 487-499.
27. Liu E., Jafarpour B. (2013): “Efficient low-rank geologic dictionary learning for subsurface flow model calibration”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 49 (10), PP 70887101.
26. Li L., Jafarpour B., Khaninezhad M.R. (2013): “A simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation algorithm for coupled well placement and control optimization under geologic uncertainty”, Computational Geosciences, Vol. 17 (1), PP 167-188.
25. Khodabakhshi M., Jafarpour B. (2013): “A Bayesian mixture modeling approach for flow-conditioned multiple-point statistical facies simulation from uncertain training images”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 49 (1), PP 328-342.
24. Tarrahi M., Jafarpour B.: “Inference of permeability distribution from injection-induced discrete microseismic events”, Water Resources Research, Vol 48(10).
23. Bhark E., Rey A., Datta-Gupta A., Jafarpour B. (2012): “Subsurface flow model calibration with a spectral-domain parameterization adaptive to grid connectivity and prior model information”, Mathematical Geosciences, Vol 44(6), PP 673-710.
22. Anchliya A., Economidies C.E., Jafarpour B. (2012): “Aquifer management to accelerate CO2 dissolution and trapping”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, Vol 17(03), PP 805-816.
21. Bhark E., Rey A., Datta-Gupta A., Jafarpour B. (2012): “A multiscale parameterization for history matching in structured and unstructured grid geometries”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, Vol 17(03), PP 828-848.
20. Li L., Jafarpour B. (2012): “A variable-control well placement optimization for improved development of subsurface energy reservoirs”, Computational Geosciences, Vol 16(4), PP 871-889.
19. Shamshiri H., Jafarpour B. (2012): “Controlled CO2 injection into heterogeneous geologic formations for improved solubility and residual trapping”, Water Resources Research, Vol 48, W02530, 15 PP.
18. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B., Li L. (2012): “Sparse geologic dictionaries for subsurface flow model calibration: Part I. Inversion formulation”, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 39, PP 106-121.
17. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B., Li L. (2012): “Sparse geologic dictionaries for subsurface flow model calibration: Part II. Robustness to uncertainty”, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 39, PP 122-136.
16. Bhark E., Jafarpour B., Datta-Gupta A. (2011): “A generalized grid-connectivity-based parameterization for subsurface flow data assimilation”, Water Resources Research, 47, W06517, 32 PP.
15. Bhark E., Jafarpour B., Datta-Gupta A. (2011): “An adaptively scaled frequency-domain parameterization for history matching”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 75(34), PP 289-303.
14. Jafarpour B., Tarrahi M. (2011): “Assessing the performance of the ensemble Kalman filter for subsurface flow data integration under variogram uncertainty”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 47, W05537, 26 PP.
13. Jafarpour B., Khodabakhshi M. (2011): “A probability conditioning method (PCM) for integration of nonlinear flow data into facies simulation from a training image”, Mathematical Geosciences, 43(2), 133-164.
12. Jafarpour B. (2010): “Wavelet reconstruction of geologic facies from nonlinear dynamic flow measurements”, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 49(5), 1520-1535.
11. Li L., Jafarpour B. (2010): “Effective solution of nonlinear subsurface flow inverse problems in sparse bases”, Inverse Problems, 26(10), 105-016 (24pp).
10. Li L., Jafarpour B. (2010): “A sparse Bayesian framework for conditioning uncertain geologic models to nonlinear flow measurements”, Advances in Water Resources, 33(9), PP 1024-1042.
9. Jafarpour B., Goyal V.K., McLaughlin D.B., Freeman W.T (2010): “Compressed history matching: Exploiting transform-domain sparsity for regularization of nonlinear dynamic data integration problems”, Mathematical Geosciences, 42(1), PP 1-27.
8. Jafarpour B., Goyal V.K., McLaughlin D.B., Freeman W.T (2009): “Transform-domain Sparsity Regularization for Inverse Problems in Geosciences”, Geophysics, 74(5), R69-R83.
7. Jafarpour B., McLaughlin D.B. (2009): “Estimating channelized reservoir permeabilities with the ensemble Kalman filter: importance of ensemble design”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 14 (2), 374-388-SPE-106453-PA.
6. Jafarpour B., McLaughlin D.B. (2009): “Reservoir characterization with discrete cosine transform: Part 1-Parameterization”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 14(1), 182-188-SPE-106453-PA.
5. Jafarpour B., McLaughlin D.B. (2009): “Reservoir characterization with discrete cosine transform: Part 2-History Matching”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 14(1), 188-201-SPE-106453-PA.
4. Jafarpour B., McLaughlin D.B. (2008): “History-matching with an ensemble Kalman filter and discrete cosine parameterization”, Computational Geosciences, 12(2), 227-244.
3. Han B., Jafarpour B., Gallagher V.N., Imhoff P.T., Chiu P.C., Fluman D. (2006): “Measuring seasonal variations of moisture in a landfill with the partitioning gas tracer tests”, Waste Management, 26(4), 344-355.
2. Jafarpour B., Imhoff P.T., Chiu P.C. (2005): “Quantification and mathematical modeling of 2,4-dinitrotoluene reduction with high-purity and cast Iron”, Contaminant Hydrology, 76(1-2), 87-107.
1. Imhoff P.T., Pirestani K., Jafarpour B., Spivey K. M. (2003): “Tracer interaction effects during partitioning tracer tests for NAPL detection”, Environmental Science and Technology, 37(7), 1441-1447.
86. Zheng F., Qin Z,, Jha B., Jafarpour B.: “A Deep Learning-based Geomechanical Surrogate Model for Rapid Risk Assessment in Geologic CO2 Storage”, European Conference on Mathematics of Geological Reservoirs, Oslo, Norway, September 2-5, 2024.
85. Yu J., Liu Y., Jafarpour B.: “Dynamic Imaging of the CO2 Plume from Sparse Monitoring Data with Deep Learning-Based Diffusion Models”, European Conference on Mathematics of Geological Reservoirs, Oslo, Norway, September 2-5, 2024.
84. 3. Ling W., Liu Y., Jafarpour B., “Geostatistical Parameterization of Inverse Problems Using Pilot Points and Deep Learning Models”, European Conference on Mathematics of Geological Reservoirs, Oslo, Norway, September 2-5, 2024.
83. 4. Liu Y., Qin Z., Zheng F., Jafarpour J., “Spatial-Temporal Neural Networks for Predicting CO2 Migration from Field Measurements”, European Conference on Mathematics of Geological Reservoirs, Oslo, Norway, September 2-5, 2024.
82. 5. Qin Z., Liu Y., Zheng F., Jafarpour B., Physics-Guided Deep Learning for Predicting CO₂ Migration Dynamics, European Conference on Mathematics of Geological Reservoirs, Oslo, Norway, September 2-5, 2024.
81. Yu J., Jafarpour B., “Active Learning for Efficient Well Control Optimization with Neural Network Proxy Models”, Annual Meeting of European Association of Geologist and Engineers, 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Oslo, Norway, June 10-13, 2024.
80. Zheng F., Jha B., Jafarpour B., “A deep learning-based surrogate model for rapid assessment of geomechanical risks in geologic CO2 storage”, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Conference and Exhibition, 11–13 March 2024.
79. Zheng F., Jha B., Jafarpour B.: “Controlled CO2 injection into storage reservoirs to minimize geomechanical risks under geologic uncertainty", Paper SPE-215155-MS, SPE 2023 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 16-18, 2023.
78. Cornelio J., Mohd Razak S., Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B., Cho Y., H.H. Liu, Vaidya R.: “Clustering and attention-based learning for improved localized predictions in unconventional reservoirs”, Paper SPE-212953-MS, SPE Western Regional Meeting 2023, Anchorage-USA, May 22-25, 2023.
77. Mohd-Razak S., Cornelio J., Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B., Cho Y., H.H. Liu, Vaidya R.: “Dynamic physics-guided deep learning for production forecasting in unconventional reservoirs”, Paper SPE-213289-MS, SPE Western Regional Meeting 2023, Anchorage, USA, May 22-25, 2023.
76. Cornelio J., Mohd Razak S., Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B., Cho Y., H.H. Liu, Vaidya R.: “Identifying and ranking multiple source models for transfer learning in unconventional reservoirs”, Paper SPE-213349-MS, MEOS – Middle East Oil & Gas Show & Conference 2023, Manama-Bahrain, March 6-8, 2023.
75. Mohd-Razak S., Cornelio J., Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B., Cho Y., H.H. Liu, Vaidya R.: “A dynamic residual learning approach to improve physics-constrained neural network predictions in unconventional reservoirs”, Paper SPE-213289-MS, MEOS -Middle East Oil & Gas Show & Conference 2023, Manama-Bahrain, March 6-8, 2023.
74. Yu J., Jafarpour B.: “Deep learning-based disentangled parametrization for model calibration under multiple geologic scenarios”, SPE-212177-MS, SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston-Texas, USA, March 28-30, 2023.
73. Valiyev J., Mohd Razak S., Jafarpour B.: “Deep Learning-based multiresolution parameterization for spatially adaptive model updating”, Paper SPE-212167, SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston-Texas, USA, March 28-30, 2023.
70. Cornelio J., Mohd-Razak S., Cho Y., Liu H.H., Vaidya R., Jafarpour B.: “Transfer learning with multiple aggregated source models in unconventional reservoirs", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), Houston, Texas, 20-22 June, 2022.
69. Mohd-Razak S., Cornelio J., Cho Y., Liu H.H., Vaidya R., Jafarpour B.: “Embedding physical flow functions into deep learning predictive models for improved production forecasting", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), Houston, Texas, 20-22 June, 2022.
68. Mohd-Razak S., Djuraev U. Jafarpour B.: "Adversarial strategies for improved geologic consistency in feature-based parameterization", 18th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, The Hague, The Netherlands & Online, Sep 5-7, 2022.
67. Zhang F., Jha B., Jafarpour B.: “Optimization of CO2 storage and leakage through caprock fracturing using coupled flow-geomechanics-fracturing simulation", 18th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, The Hague, The Netherlands & Online, Sep 5-7, 2022.
66. Yu J., Jafarpour B.: “Active learning for efficient optimization of geological CO2 storage with surrogate models", 18th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, The Hague, The Netherlands & Online, Sep 5-7, 2022.
65. Ling, W., Liu Y., Young R., Zia J., Swyer M., Cladouhos T.T.,Jafarpour B.: “Deep learning-based optimization of multi-unit geothermal power plants", Proceedings of the 2022 Geothermal Rising Conference, Reno, NV, August 28, 2022.
64. Liu Y., Ling W., Young R., Cladouhos T.T., Zia J., Jafarpour B.: “Adaptive recurrent neural networks for online prediction and fault detection in geothermal power plants ", Proceedings of the 2022 Geothermal Rising Conference, Reno, NV, August 28, 2022.
63. Qin Z., Jiang A., Faulder D., Cladouhos T.T., Jafarpour B.: “Physics-guided deep learning for optimization of energy production from geothermal reservoirs", Proceedings of the 2022 Geothermal Rising Conference, 2022, Reno, NV, August 28.
62. Jiang A., Qin Z., Faulder D., Cladouhos T.T.,Jafarpour B.: “A multiscale neural network model for long-term prediction of geothermal energy production", Proceedings of the 2022 Geothermal Rising Conference, Reno, NV, August 28, 2022.
61. Ling, W.,Liu Y., Young R.,Zia J.,Swyer M.,Cladouhos T.T.,Jafarpour B.: “Deep learning-based predictive control for geothermal operations", Proceedings of the 2021 Geothermal Rising Conference, October 03, 2021, San Diego, CA.
60. Jiang A.,Qin Z.,Faulder D.,Cladouhos T.T.,Jafarpour B.: “Optimization of energy production from geothermal reservoirs using physics-based and data-driven models", Proceedings of the 2021 Geothermal Rising Conference, October 03, 2021, San Diego, CA.
59. Mohd-Razak S.,Jahandideh A.,Djuraev U.,Jafarpour B.: “Deep learning for latent space data assimilation (LSDA) in subsurface flow systems", SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, October 4-6, 2021.
58. Mohd-Razak S.,Cornelio J., Cho Y.,Liu H.H.,Vaidya R.,Jafarpour B.: “Transfer learning with recurrent neural networks for long-term production forecasting in unconventional reservoirs", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston Antonio, TX, July 26-28, 2021.
57. Mohd-Razak S.,Cornelio J.,Cho Y.,Liu H.H.,Vaidya R., Jafarpour B.: “A physics-guided deep learning predictive model for robust production forecasting and diagnostics in unconventional wells", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston Antonio, TX, July 26-28, 2021.
56. Cornelio J., Mohd-Razak S.,Cho Y.,Liu H.H.,Vaidya R.,Jafarpour B.: “Transfer learning with recurrent neural networks for long-term production forecasting in unconventional reservoirs", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston Antonio, TX, July 26-28, 2021.
55. Liu Y.,Ling W.,Young R.,Cladouhos T.T.,Zia J.,Jafarpour B.: “Deep learning for prediction and fault detection in geothermal operations", Proceedings of the 46th Stanford Geothermal Workshop, February 16-18, 2021, Online Virtual Conference.
54. Jiang A.,Qin Z.,Cladouhos T.T.,Faulder D.,Jafarpour B.: “Recurrent neural networks for prediction of geothermal reservoir performance", Proceedings of the 46th Stanford Geothermal Workshop, February 16-18, 2021, Online Virtual Conference.
53. Cornelio J., Mohd Razak S., Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B., Cho Y., H.H. Liu, Vaidya R.: “Investigating transfer learning for characterization and performance prediction in unconventional reservoirs", Paper { SPE-204563-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference, 24 – 27 May 2021, Bahrain.
52. Mohd-Razak S.,Cornelio J.,Jahandideh A.,Jafarpour B., Cho Y., H.H. Liu, Vaidya R.: “Integrating deep learning and physics-based models for improved production prediction in unconventional reservoirs", Paper { SPE-204864-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference, 24 – 27 May 2021, Bahrain.
51. Mohd-Razak S.,Jafarpour B.: “Rapid production forecasting with geologically-informed auto-regressive models: application to Volve benchmark model", Paper { SPE-201499-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition 2020, 27{29 October 2020, Virtual.
50. Zheng F.,Jahandideh A.,Jha B., Jafarpour B.: “Quantification and incorporation of geomechanical risks in optimization of geologic CO2 storage using coupled-physics models", Paper { SPE-201499-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition 2020, 27{29 October 2020, Virtual.
49. Mohd-Razak S.,Jafarpour B.: “History matching with generative adversarial networks", 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Online Format, Sep 14-17, 2020.
48. Zheng F.,Jahandideh A.,Jha B.,Jafarpour B.: “Optimization of CO2 storage under geomechanical risk using coupled-physics models", 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Online Format, Sep 14-17, 2020.
47. Jahandideh A.,Jafarpour B.: “Stochastic closed-loop reservoir management under uncertain predictions and development plans", 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Online Format, Sep 14-17, 2020.
46. Jiang A.,Jafarpour B.: “History matching under uncertain geologic scenarios with variational autoencoders", 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Online Format, Sep 14-17, 2020.
45. Yu J.,Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B.: “Engineering design of neural network architectures for estimation of inter-well connectivity and production performance", 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Online Format, Sep 14-17, 2020.
44. Jiang A., Jafarpour B.: “Convolutional neural networks for feature-based geologic scenario identification from production data", Paper SPE-196163-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Canada, Sep 30-Oct 2, 2019.
43. Mohd-Razak S., Jafarpour B.: “Supervised machine-learning for history matching: learning the inverse mapping from low-rank data and model representations", 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London, UK, Jun 03-6, 2019.
42. Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B.: “Closed-loop stochastic oilfield optimization under uncertainty in geologic description and future development plans", SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, Apr 10-11, 2019.
41. Ma W., Jafarpour B.: “Production data integration into complex geologic facies models: exploiting the behavior of multiple-point statistical simulation for effective data conditioning", SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, Apr 10-11, 2019.
40. Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B.: “Hedging against uncertain future development plans in production optimization", Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX, Sep 24-26, 2018.
39. Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B.: “Stochastic oilfield optimization for hedging against uncertain future development plans", 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 3-6, 2018.
38. Hakim Elahi S., Jafarpour B.: “Assimilation of microseismic data into coupled flow and geomechanics models", 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 3-6, 2018.
37. Golmohammadi A., Khaninezhad R., Jafarpour B.: “A pattern-based approach for geologic scenario identification and reservoir model calibration", 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 3-6, 2018.
36. Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B.: “Reservoir performance optimization under uncertain future development plans", SPE Western Regional Meeting, Garden Grove, CA, Apr 22-27, 2018.
35. Hakim Elahi S., Jafarpour B.: “Inverting injection-induced microseismic monitoring data with coupled ow and geomechanical models: application to CO2 injection", SPE Western Regional Meeting, Garden Grove, CA, Apr 22-27, 2018.
34. Ma W., Jafarpour B.: “Constraining multiple-point statistical facies simulation on nonlinear flow data through facies probability maps", SPE Western Regional Meeting, Garden Grove, CA, Apr 22-27, 2018.
33. Golmohammadi A., Khaninezhad R., Jafarpour B.: “Pattern-based history matching for reservoirs with complex geologic facies", SPE Western Regional Meeting, Garden Grove, CA, Apr 22-27, 2018.
32. Khaniezhad R., Golmohammadi A., Jafarpour B.: “Training-image assisted history matching of complex multiple-point statistical facies models ", SPE Western Regional Meeting, Garden Grove, CA, Apr 22-27, 2018.
31. Hakim-Elahi S., Jafarpour B.: “A novel distance transform method for history matching of discrete geologic facies models", SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakerfield, CA, Apr 23-27, 2017.
30. Ma W., Jafarpour B.: “Conditioning multiple-point geostatistical facies simulation on nonlinear flow data using pilot points method", SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakerfield, CA, Apr 23-27, 2017.
29. Khaninezhad M.R.M., Jafarpour B.: “A discrete imaging formulation for history matching complex geologic facies", SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Montgomery, Texas, Feb 22-24, 2017.
28. Jesmani M., Jafarpour B., Bellout M., Hanea R., Foss B.: “Application of continuous simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation in well placement optimization under uncertainty", 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XV), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug 29, Sep 1, 2016.
27. Hakim-Elahi S., Jafarpour B.: “Characterization of fracture length and conductivity from tracer test and production data with ensemble Kalman filter", Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, San Antonio, TX, July 20-22, 2015.
26. Nabavi S., Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B.: “A generalized formulation for oilfield development optimization”, Trends in Reservoir Modeling, Control and Optimization, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production, Florianpolis, Brazil, May 27- 29, 2015.
25. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B.: “Sparse geologic dictionaries for field-scale history matching application”, paper SPE-173275-MS presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, TX, Feb 23-25, 2015.
24. Khodabakhshi M., Jafarpour B., King M. (paper): “Field application of a multi-scale multi-physics history matching approach”, paper SPE-173239-MS, presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, TX, Feb 23-25, 2015.
23. Jahandideh A., Jafarpour B.: “Optimization of hydraulic fracturing design under spatially variable shale fracability”, paper SPE-169521-MS, 2014 SPE Western North America, April 15-21, 2014.
22. Zhang Z., Jafarpour B.: “Joint inversion of production and temperature data illuminates vertical permeability distribution in deep reservoirs”, paper SPE-166512- MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, Sep 30-Oct 2, 2013.
21. Tarrahi M., Jafarpour B., Ghassemi A.: “Assimilation of microseismic data into coupled flow and geomechanical reservoir models with ensemble Kalman filter”, paper SPE-166510-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, Sep 30-Oct 2, 2013.
20. Tarrahi M., Jafarpour B., Ghassemi A.: “Geomechanical reservoir characterization from microseismic data”, paper SPE-165683-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Eastern Regional Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Aug 20-22, 2013.
19. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B.: “Sparse Bayesian inversion for reservoir history matching and uncertainty quantification”, paper SPE-163656-MS presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Woodlands, TX, Feb 18-20, 2013.
18. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B.: “Adaptive prior model identification during history matching under geologic uncertainty: A novel sparse signal processing perspective”, paper SPE-163652-MS presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Woodlands, TX, Feb 18-20, 2013.
17. Li L., Jafarpour B.: “Generalized field development optimization: coupled well-placement and control”, 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Biarritz, France, Sep 10-13, 2012.
16. Khodabakhshi M., Jafarpour B.: “Mixture models for sampling conditional facies realizations from multiple training images”, 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Biarritz, France, Sep 10-13, 2012.
15. Jafarpour B.: “Sparse priors for regularization of ill-posed subsurface model calibration inverse problems”, Interpore Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette-IN, May 2012.
14. Ma W., Jafarpour B., Qin, J.: “Estimating aquifer heterogeneity from CO2 sequestration monitoring measurements with the ensemble Kalman filter”, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Sec 3-7, 2012.
13. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B.: “Sparse solution of high-dimensional model calibration inverse problems under uncertainty in prior structural connectivity”, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 3-7, 2012.
12. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B.: “Adaptive sparse recovery of aquifer heterogeneity under variogram uncertainty”, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 3-7, 2012.
11. Tarrahi M., Jafarpour B.: “Assimilation of discrete micro-seismic events into reservoir models with ensemble Kalman filter”, 7th International EnKF Workshop, Bergen, Norway, Jun 18-20, 2012.
10. Khodabakhshi M., Jafarpour B.: “Conditional facies simulation from multiple training images with EnKF-Based mixture model probability conditioning method”, 7th International EnKF Workshop, Bergen, Norway, Jun 18-20, 2012.
9. Shamshiri H., Jafarpour B.: “Optimization of geologic CO2 storage in heterogeneous aquifers through improved sweep efficiency”, the 2010 SPE CO2 capture, storage and utilization, New Orleans, LA, Nov 10-12, 2010.
8. Li L., Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B.: “An Iteratively reweighted algorithm for history matching of oil reservoirs is sparse domains”, 12th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Oxford, England, Sep 6-9, 2010.
7. Jafarpour B., Khodabakhshi M.: “A probability conditioning method (PCM) for integration of production data into pattern-based facies simulation”, 12th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Oxford, England, Sep 6-9, 2010.
6. Khaninezhad M.R., Jafarpour B., Li L.: “History matching with learned sparse dictionaries”, SPE-133654, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy, Sep 20-22, 2010.
5. Bhark E., Jafarpour B., Datta-Gupta A.: “A new adaptively scaled production data integration approach using the discrete cosine parameterization”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Apr 24-28, 2010.
4. Jafarpour B., Goyal V.K., Freeman W.T., McLaughlin D.: “Exploiting transform-domain sparsity in reservoir history matching”, Paper SPE-117819, Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Woodlands, TX, Feb 2-4, 2009.
3. Jafarpour B., Goyal V.K., Freeman W.T.: “Reconstruction of channelized facies using sparsity constraints”, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Nov 9-14, 2008.
2. Jafarpour B., McLaughlin D.B.: “History-matching with an ensemble Kalman filter and discrete cosine parameterization”, Paper SPE-108761, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, CA, Nov 11-14, 2007.
1. Jafarpour B., McLaughlin D.B.: “Efficient permeability parameterization with the discrete cosine transform”, Paper SPE-106453, Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Woodlands, TX, Feb 26-28, 2007.
2. Golmohammadi A., Mohammad-Khaninezhad M., Jafarpour B. (2017, invited chapter): “Exploiting sparsity in solving PDE-constrained inverse problems: application to subsurface flow model calibration”, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications: PDE-Constrained Optimization”, (Editors: Antil H, Kouri D.P., Lacasse M.D., and Ridzal D.), Vol. 163, Springer.
1. Jafarpour B. (2013, invited chapter): “Sparsity-promoting solution of subsurface flow model calibration inverse problems”, Advances in Hydrogeology, Springer, PP 73-94.